Monday, March 13, 2023




  1. 1.
    the theory that knowledge of a subject is inevitably partial and limited by the individual perspective from which it is viewed.
  2. 2.
    the practice of regarding and analyzing a situation or work of art from different points of view.
    "the emotional perspectivism of novels"

‘A dark black past is my most valued possession’ 
- Dave Mustaine of Megadeth - Sweating Bullets -

~ Not only a long time favorite song of mine, it has also become a hymn of sorts. Perhaps even a self fulfilling prophecy, but then again… ‘Hindsight is always 20|20’ as both the old aphorism would suggest & as Mr. Mustaine states, further along into the lyrics. Sweating Bullets is a thoughtful display of internal struggle & a well represented rendition for those afflicted with anxiety & other mental ailments. The interpretation obviously speaks to all of us, yet only reaching through some of us. Perhaps that is merely a small distinction, although it is certainly a noteworthy one, I can assure you.

Whatever might speak to you, may speak through me in a way that you never knew before & otherwise might have never, without having shared my perspective. It is simply a matter of experience & furthermore, the allocation of that experience so that others can better understand & empathize.


Whenever our Peers share their story, we can learn from them in so many ways. An educated Peer could even use their voice to support others in a relevant way that which is distinct & conducive to their experience. In fact, that very ideal is at the core of a budding profession in the Mental & Behavioral health fields, primarily for the sake of Recovery & more specifically for Mental Health & Addiction. Someone in Long Term Recovery with the right education, fortitude, & temperament? ...Could significantly help a fellow disparaged member of the community in such a relative way, that speaks volumes compared to just any random person! - Truly, Peer Support is a very special kind of profession that personally, I wish was much more accessible! - Unfortunately, the very foundation that makes this role so unique, are the very same reasons the position seems to be easily manipulated, & taken advantage of. In my experience, there is a lack of respect & representation for Certified Peer Supporters, even by their fellow colleagues in that field. The fact there is no support for Peer Support is a rather ironic hyperbole that is quite disgusting if you begin to dig a little deeper.

Existential arguments could be made against the ideas behind such a position with a number of different points, some are valid while most are not... & I have heard it all before, but none of it compares to the substantial value of the craft that is produced. Niche & novel it may be, but Peer Supporters are Professionals, yet. Behavioral health providers with relevant & distinct, lived experience of abuse & trauma among a vast, pertinent history to share & blank with the community. With everything these people have suffered through, then still managed to achieve an education with necessary credentials? That has well enough earned them a spot at the table, bare minimum. - Much potential & promise is at stake, for the betterment of society. They are being given a well deserved, second or even third chance. However, much like with every other industry... Corporate America has the last word. Thus, Peer Support is a growing profession that could either be nipped at the bud & smoked away or blossom into a beautiful, wonderful, beneficial addition to the mental, behavioral health field, & the World alike.


Oftentimes people find themselves in need. Many are too proud to change, but there is always a breaking point. Times are tough, it is true that the struggle is in fact, real & everyone has a limit... Most prudent it would be rather, to accept that Life has always been difficult like that, & likely always will be. You & your struggle are not [exactly] unique. No, I do not mean that in a controversial way either. More so a liberating one. For the reality is... Each & every one of us holds their own individual qualities & specialties, without a doubt.

Additionally, I have found that for myself, it is very easy to empathize with others. Understanding & actualizing your own talents can be a strange process. At any point in time, one should be fully aware of their own capacity, facility, & utility. How can anyone else believe your potential & credit your competence if you lack the confidence yourself? Furthermore, one must not only realize their potential, but honing oneself into a craft is no small feat either & daunting as it most certainly is… To not share your abilities & talents with society is borderline selfish, yet. We must support one another, for we all are Peers to some degree or another & Peer Support can be implemented in any way, as needed. Many resources already exist for that very purpose, such as coaches, teachers, mentors, etc. So long now have we gone without accountability for ourselves. Yes, due to a most unfortunate lack of resources, no doubt... & Coupled with an unhealthy representation of social expectations such as masculinity, adulthood, cultural boundaries, to name a few & including an ultimately primal nature with a rather brutal history, to say the least. You do not need an extensive education to deduce why Humans are wildly 'Unwell'. Overdue for some reflection & growth, we certainly are. Never is too late & on the contrary, we still have plenty of time to turn things around.

However, with each passing day & the longer we wait? We owe ourselves all the more effort... & Only the greatest convictions with the best attitude will suffice, lest we make it all the more difficult for ourselves. A clear example to think smarter, not harder. Although, that is hardly Human Nature. Perhaps we are doomed to Self Destruct ourselves. We do hold the power to save ourselves. Such is, Peer Support. Then again, I am my Brothers Keeper... So maybe I am Bias, but from my point of view? I do not really see any other way to salvation. We must seek help before it is too late. Yes, I know how intense that seems, idc if that makes me out to be a cynic because I know the sincerity behind my intention. We have had plenty of chances & we are simply running out of time. Unfortunately, that is our reality & we must not only learn to accept it, but we must face it as well! Trust me, I hope I am wrong, I hope there is hope for us yet, & I can only hope that you agree.


Either way... All is a matter of experience. Amirite? 'The Collective Perspective' as I see it or you see it is nothing compared to what is & however we see it is only partial in comparison to Innervision & representation of the Holistic Identity. The philosophy behind it has a deep connection rooted within us all. With a Vagabard touch I am pleased to introduce... Peerspectivism!

A topic of great value that will certainly be a recurring segment, rest assured! & Yes, I would love to know your thoughts as well, no doubt about it! Take note, there is a comment section below, precisely for that reason. Or just hmu on Social Media if you wish. Until then?

Lets do our best... Nevertheless!



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