Monday, October 17, 2022

The House of the Vagabard

Visand Visions

~ Preface | Narrative ~

After living so many lives through countless adventures, one grows accustomed to maintaining an open mind of the world. Eventually, time offers perspective & along with the natural order of change, one can also identify the primary consistency is chaos. Uncertainty becomes us all & that becomes the only thing that is truly certain. That much remains clear. With age comes wisdom, indeed… Even for the imbeciles, unfortunately. - Within my own chaos, the consistent dynamic that has held it all together is the mindful, fighting spirit of a strong heart. I have lost track of how much wax has smoked away from both ends of the candle & if I am actually as burnt out as it seems, then I very well could be living on borrowed time... Perhaps so [or maybe I am simply full of shit] which is entirely plausible, for I still have much to learn, afterall. - With all the lives I have lived & died & lived again, I remain. The seed of doubt was planted so long ago, it has sprouted since & overshadowed my entire existence. Yet, I have managed to survive against all the odds & not entirely sure as to why, even. However, the many uncertainties & the insatiable tenacity to chase my curiosities, are utilized as fuel to ignite the passion of manifesting a much brighter future! One that shines bright as ever, from both ends.

Ever lit for the keen eye's intention, & leading the way as a true monument of the moment. Should you ever perceive to possess the same tendencies? Seek out the burning torch of ambition to guide you from under the Shadow toward our most humble hearth. Then rest assured, for it seems another thing is certain, at least. You, fateful reader, are the kin of the Vagabond & the Bard… & You are home! 

Welcome, fellow Vagabard!

~ Prologue | Exposition ~

Finally, progress is being made. Planets are aligning. Destiny is being fulfilled, if you are into that sorta thing. The mere fruition of this inaugural post, is a sign of success! Hell must be freezing over… How droll. Either way, this is one giant leap for mankind, whether I stick the landing or not. I suppose you are the judge on that. Hopefully I can do myself justice. You may be wondering why you should even care? Well, I ask myself that same question every day, multiple times. So we at least have that much in common. Which is good, the more commonalities the better, because this is meant to be a comfortable space for like minded people to express their shared ideals & interests, to open up with one another, & to feel a sense of community. Of course, every asshole with a dick or cunt can open their holes & spew their shite anywhere they please, this is the internet, to be sure. Nevertheless, home is where you make it & bear in mind that you are welcome to stay or go as you please... All that we require is reason & all that we expect is respect. Only two small courtesies that which of course, I shall always practice, myself as befits a proper host & if any aforementioned details should be an issue for whatever reason? Well, then chances are you are not want to be here anyway.

These words are the genesis of an attempt to provoke thought & open dialogue so as to begin a community of free thinking, independent souls that embrace their unique individuality. Which, in a perfect world, would be most people. However, somewhere in history we seemed to have lost our spark of magic, a major factor in our identity as a species. So melancholy & lonely we have become, despite existing in a time of progressive thinking, great expression, & evolving technologies. Our Human ingenuity has brought us so far & now we succumb to our own devices, losing ourselves. Distractions require so much attention, we are indebted. With none left to spend, we selfishly spiral into a lonesome state of despair. Which on the surface seems so dystopian & a layer deeper truly is, but at the core we are dormant. We are awaiting resuscitation & we do not have long until rigor mortis sets in, but with our own hands at our throats, we may very well just be doomed. - Only in small circles can we find the space to breathe, focus, & carry on. Moving forward together, yet regressing backward into our tribal natures... Alas, by embracing our primal instincts we are liable to forget who we are in the darkness. Admittedly, I am afraid of time’s sobering reality. Awakening from such a slumber will certainly bring with it a harrowing hangover, but if the rigor mortis does in fact settle in, there may not be enough of us to save us from ourselves. - Fortunately, fear is not the end & therefore all hope is not lost. At the very least, we can live to tell the tale of another life well spent! & As long as the sagas continue, there will be purpose for the Vagabard. - Remain for ever vigilant as we strive for brilliance! 

Onward to Victory!

~ Foreword | Context ~

Well, perhaps an introduction is in order. a little tour of the mind behind the text. A spiraling whirlwind of a mess, yet somehow can also be comforting & cozy. Here to keep us en route, I am your ever so modest & humbled navigator... Verum, of House Visand. You will come to know me as a very open minded, opinionated, long winded, & well intended Millenial with a few screws loose, cursed with the awareness to acknowledge so. There are a few passengers within my current life which gravitate around common cause & interest, also known as Family & Friends & eventually you will become well acquainted with them all the same. Some bios describe me as 'Under Educated & Over Medicated', & others admit that I am the 'Bastard Vagabard, himself', but either way you cut me I am solid, through & true. My humor is just as dry as my imagination is saturated, my inspirations are a range of madness to genius & filthy to clean, my insight is honed & astute with an empathy to match. My patience has been a recurring test that I have failed more times than I would like to admit, but my will has balanced itself upon a sharp wit like the edge of a knife & my ambition is stronger than ever. Adventurous has always been my spirit & exploring the depths is a hobby unlike any other that has always taunted my better senses. Forbye not always for the better. Oftentimes for the worst. Nevertheless the journey has always been my favorite aspect. For no other reason than to share the story of course & to see for myself, if nothing else. Live for the experience has been a lifetime motto of mine. Even if one does not choose their family, one certainly has a say in their future. - The future I have chosen is one of family & community; one of truth, balance, & adventure; one of storied success through failed tests & earned respect; nonetheless, one that I have ultimately chosen for myself.

By the way, this is an open invitation for any & all to join me in my endeavors, even if only as a spectator... Unless you would prefer a seat on the 'Dais' as well? To which I recommend you strap in tight! For the path into uncertainty is a turbulent one, but confidence in self will lead the way, no doubt. Time has offered me plenty of itself as a passenger & a true navigator is defined by one that has followed after others, before themselves. Let it be known, that I aim to lead myself & my people into the future & you are more than welcome to take your place here in House Visand as a fellow Vagabard! The truth is in the vision & you will see that for yourself as we journey together as one! - So it shall be written & so it shall be done!

Be free, stay vigilant, & express yourself!




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